For more than 20 years I have been dedicating myself to my vocation as an Integrative Therapist & Healer with a lot of heart and soul and leading people to inner clarity, power & self-empowerment.
The joy of helping my clients to gain more strength, joy of life and vitality is the greatest gift for me. That is why I am here.
Play the leading role in your own film, in your full power and in your highest potential. It is time to experience your own truthfulness and to activate your creative power to bring you to your long awaited dreams.
Together we can do this – in trust and your willingness.
I am looking forward to accompanying you.

A short documentary film about my heart work as an Integrative Therapist.
Education & Training
- SPG- Basic year in social pedagogy to become a primary school teacher, University of Education ZH
- 2 semesters of journalism studies, University of Zurich
- 2.5 year training as a certified Ayurveda Therapist, European Academy for Ayurveda Germany
- Pranic Healing according to Master Choa Kok Sui
- Jin Shin Jyutsu -Japanese healing currents, Tao Chi Zurich
- Training for angel healing according to Eva Maria Mora
- Reiki Level 1 & 2, Bali Indoniesion
- Quantum Healing NQC
- Consciousness Coach after Kurt Tepperwein
- Face Reading, Face Diagnostics, Shiang Mien, Physiognomy according to Eric Standop
- 3-year training as a Cosmogetic Healer according to Jana Haas
- Training in aura technique / aura surgery according to Aaragon & Petra Köhne
- Training Theta Healing
- Education “Vastu
- Seminars, guidance and teachings with different shamans of the world
- Various courses and trainings in the field of sensitivity, mediality, animal communication, spiritual & shamanic healing